Paving: Lovell Road and Church Street | Friday, October 7, 2022

The public is encouraged not to park on the roadway as it will slow the process down. Members of the DPW and Westminster, MA Police Department will be on-site to assist with traffic.
Road Work Ahead

Paving is anticipated to begin at 7:00AM on Lovell Road and Church Street on Friday, October 7, 2022, barring no unforeseen conditions or weather-related impacts. There will be no on-street parking, plan for travel as driveway access will be intermittently impacted by the paving process.

The Westminster Department of Public Works is coordinating all roadway paving activities with the Westminster Police Department to maintain a good flow of traffic. Please plan your travel accordingly and expect delays in the area. We understand the scheduled roadwork will create a short disruption to the traveling public, but will provide a safer and better road for us all. Should you have any questions, please contact Kevin Collins at the Westminster Department of Public Works at (978) 874-5572 ext. 2.