Crocker Pond Recreation Area Committee

Westminster Residents Only - Permit Required


  • Season opening Saturday, May 25, 2024 - Monday, May 27, 2024.
  • Open weekends only until school is out.
  • Open on the following dates: June 13, 2024 and June 14, 2024. 
  • Open full weeks starting on June 17, 2024 until school is back in session August 26, 2023.
  • Open Labor Day, September 2, 2024.
  • Open weekends only for the remainder of the season until September 8, 2024.
  • Hours are 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. until the week of August 12, 2024 when they will change to 10:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. due to darkness.
  • Rain dates may apply. The hours/days of operation may be adjusted at the discretion of the Crocker Pond Recreation Area Committee. 

Permit Stickers - Crocker Pond permit stickers will be given out at the pond during operating hours. To obtain a permit sticker you must be a resident of the Town of Westminster. You must present a valid license and vehicle registration for each vehicle indicating a Westminster address. If your leased car registration does not have your Westminster address on it, you must show a current bill/mail with your Westminster address printed on it. Any special circumstances may be addressed to the Crocker Pond Recreation Committee.  Please keep driver side window closed and hold up license and registration so that the Crocker Pond attendant can process your sticker.  Attendant will then place the sticker under the wiper blade at which time the resident can proceed to a parking space and secure their sticker on the inside of the driver side windshield. 

Kayak/Canoe Storage - Due to limited space, only 2 boats per family may be stored at Crocker Pond. Boat storage is located near parking lot only.  No boats will be stored in the beach area.


To create a wholesome, environmentally safe recreation area for all residents of Westminster and help foster a stronger sense of community.


There are currently two openings on the Crocker Pond Recreation Area Committee.  We are in need of all types of trade skills, and also folks who are available to help out on an occasional weekday or weekend day.  Committee meetings are held two evenings a month during the summer season, and then once per month during the remainder of the year.  If you love the pond as much as we do, we need your help to keep it running.



Board Members

Name Title
Heather M. Billings Chair (6/30/2027)
Kathleen Brennan Vice-Chair (6/30/2027)
Christopher Jaggie Member (6/30/2025)
Patricia Streeter Member (6/30/2024)
Sharon A. Lewis Member (6/30/2026)