Westminster Business Park

The Westminster Business Park has been under construction for well over a decade and will take another five years to complete. According to the Park’s MEPA ceritificate (2014), the Park has the capacity to accommodate 1.57 million sq. ft. of industrial floor space.  The Park is identified in the Town's 2014 Master Plan as a "large industrial zone available for development" (pg. 15 of the Economic Development chapter) and the Town has designated the Park as a Priority Development Site under MGL 43D. 

Thus far, the Park is home to the Wachusett Animal Hospital, an MBTA train layover station, and two industrial-scale solar fields.  The Planning Board recently approved a 604,000 sf warehouse/distribution facility and a 380,000 sf  light manufacturing facility. An estimated 400 jobs will be created by both businesses with a conservative estimate of $50,000,000. in private investment resulting in tax revenues to the town.

The newly permitted facilities within the Park will require vital improvements to the Route 2A/Depot Rd. intersection. In October 2022, the town was awarded a grant in the amount of $417,800. to fund the redesign. Details of the grant can be found here. Projected cost for the reconstruction top $2,500,000. The Park owner's traffic consultant (Green International Affiliates) has submitted a traffic signal warrant analysis to District #3, which is currently under review. A reconstructed intersection is necessary for the occupancy of the new facilities and provide safety for those traveling through the intersection.

Below you will find the Park Plan, and renderings of the facilities on both Lot I-7 and Lot I-8.

Please contact Ryan Doherty, Town Planner at rdoherty@westminster-ma.gov if you have any questions.