Water Conservation

Small adjustments can have a big impact and they all start with you!

Water Conservation

The Town of Westminster aspires to educate our residents on the importance of preserving water. Water is a finite resource and it is up to everyone to use it wisely.  Conserving water is often as simple as making small changes. Everyday tasks like cleaning dishes, taking showers, doing laundry and washing the car can add up to several or even hundreds of gallons of water used every month. Conserving the amount of water used at home will not only keep your water bill lower; it’s also better for the environment. When you save water, you can help to reduce pollutant and contaminant runoff into natural lakes, rivers and streams; as well as extend the life of your sewer or septic system. Below are water conservation measures to undertake that will help conserve Westminster's water supply and increase the safety factor related to water consumption as well.

For additional information on water conservation, check EPA's webpage on this topic for some great water conservation tips!

Household Water use